Sunday 24 May 2015

12 Essential Web Site Design Tips

Web Site Design Tips

Web site usability and presentation is perhaps the most important factor in any web design. This is the driving factor that gives your visitors a positive, professional impression of your company and keeps them coming back to your website. This issue focuses on the "12 Essential Web Site Design Tips" that anyone wishing to promote their products or services on the Internet should benefit from. 

10 Tips for Better Web Site Usability - and Profits!

Tips for Better Web Site Usability

Making a web site easy and convenient for visitors to use is a commonly overlooked key to selling more from it. The following tips can help you do just that...

1) A lesson for marketers is to make our web sites, products, etc., compatible with the largest possible number of users, including the most common browsers and computer systems. 

Monday 4 May 2015

10 Shocking Secrets Nobody Will Ever Tell You About Having a Successful Business Web Site

Having a Successful Business Web Site

There are many web designers who are honest and will tell you exactly what you need to do to have a successful web site. Yet, there are others who want to create some fancy gadgets on your site, charge you a fortune, and completely rip you off... while you are watching your money go down the drain.

The truth is you DON'T need a web designer to develop a site for your small business. If you have some computer skills and a little bit of time to devote to your web site, you can make it yourself and spend as little as $6.00 a month on it!

10 helpful tips to follow when switching web hosts

10 helpful tips to follow when switching web hosts

You've made your decision to move from your website from your current web host to a new web host. The following tips will help you make the transition easier and make you aware of some potential pitfalls to avoid.

1) Make sure the new web hosting plan you've chosen offers you the storage capabilities to handle all of your current website storage requirements. If your website is 50MB, you need to make sure your new hosting plan offers that much space, or more. If you're not sure how much space your website is using, ask your current host. You can also usually find this information on your web hosting control panel.

3 Reasons Your Website Might Fail To Attract Enough Customers

3 Reasons Your Website Might Fail To Attract Enough Customers

Virtually all website owners concentrate their efforts and energy into getting more visitors. With business owners this effort is spent on getting more and more new customers. What many people forget - with both their website and their business - is that getting new customers (or visitors) is only a small part of the equation for success… 

3 Marketing Mistakes Web Site Designers Make When Selling Their Services

3 Marketing Mistakes Web Site Designers Make When Selling Their Services

Copyright 2005 Jennifer McGroary

1) They don't have their own domain.

If you knew that you were going to the primo networking event of the year, would you bring business cards printed with your neighbors telephone number? Heck no!

So why would you waste your time and energy building a reputable web site design firm, under somebody else's domain? Somewhere down the road you'll eventually get your own URL, so start your business the way you want to finish it.